Friday, July 24, 2009

part time work!

yes technically I can say I am employed part time. who's excited?

a friend of mine was offered a part time job making phone calls, following up on leads via telephone. her full-time position didn't allow her the time therefore she graciously suggested the guy give me a call. yes, its a shady internet based bullshit business opportunity this guy is selling but i have no scruples when it comes to paying $1000 rent people. so my job is to log into his account and make calls to people who have already expressed interest in the idea, see if they are still in fact interested and if so schedule them for a follow up call from the boss. we chatted today -- he has 300 people to call from all different time zones. i can do it right from my apartment which is killer and the sweetest part of the deal -- hes paying cash therefore its only going to supplement my already fabulous government subsidized income.

as to what ive been doing since my last post. nothing much. unemployment determination pre-interview via telephone. afterwards i took the train into the city to meet a friend for dinner. feasted at amazing steakhouse i cant ever go back to as the prices werent exactly unemployment compensation-friendly but that is the beauty of having fabulous friends. after dinner I ventured to saks under the influence of 3 coronas and made a purchase out of weakness and sadness for my plight. the worst kind of purchase however at the moment it felt really good.

saks shoe department (which touts its own zip code, by the way) is what heaven looks like. its a full floor of shoes ranging in price from $2600 to about $115 from what i saw. $2600 shoes are something i quite possbly will never own. they are museum pieces, true artwork. i look but do not touch. the sexy ones i did purchase are gold and 6 inches and glorious. the women shopping were all ages and buying like wildfire. made me think manhattan women are either recession proof or just mad.

so im off to investigate the website and made my 1st batch of hopefully successful calls. wish me luck.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


it rained horrible yesterday so i was unable to do any stalking. being a stalking beginner but for the little bit of stalking every 18 yr old girl might engage in I really think i need a nice sunny day to complete this task.

so what did I accomplish? not much. a cleaner kitchen and bathroom is all I got to show for it. however considering the wave of laziness that has overwhelmed me since July 9th this is a HUGE accomplishment.

im hoping more for today. couldn't sleep so i'm up and showered and listening to a webinar of this guy who would like to me make calls for him, appointments via his ridiculous web-based business. cash people.

Monday, July 20, 2009

lazy day

BAD hangover, laundry, food network marathon, sushi dinner. that was my day. tomorrow job search and finish up reading the wheelman. everyday cant be filled with drug addicts and hookers you know.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Heart the Hudson River

i woke up with every intention of getting SOMETHING accomplished; cleaning the kitchen floor, the bathroom floor, laundry, neighbor stalking. instead my friend came by and said he wanted to go fishing. now anyone who knows me is familiar with the fact that don’t fish, hunt or go camping. honestly I don’t even venture outdoors for long periods of time without a pool or ocean in the IMMEDIATE vicinity. however the idea of sitting in the new MR beach chair basking in the sun on the banks of the hudson intrigued me and won out over the grand opening of ulta in my neck of the woods, cleaning anything and even neighbor stalking.

after coming home from the river when I found Quaker Ave closed due to an accident I thought --lemonade. i got back to my place. fired up the beach chair in the front yard. Cosmo, blackberry and MAC on the bed in breakfast tray and away we go.
here i am 7 hrs later with a serious buzz & mildly serious sunburn.

tonight? dinner at painters and cosmos at home. tomorrow? neighbor stalking and attempt to tan back side of arms, back and legs if my body can stand it.

has anyone else noticed I need to search for a job? at the same time the weather is so amazing. it seems almost an affront to Mother Nature if i ignore her and hide indoors job searching. so while i stalk tomorrow ill be job searching to boot. Enjoy. Enjoy. as they say in PA.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


beach chair found. stalking of neighbor will commence tomorrow. early. im getting a case of corona light and 3 limes just for the occasion. charging up laptop and even got myself some sunscreen in anticipation of the fabulous weather we have been having.

had to admit to my uncle today i lost my job. humiliation. he said DID YOU WORK TODAY? i said NO and I was being honest. then he said HOW IS WORK GOING? i couldn't dodge it any longer. so it seems the son of a gun knew and i guess wanted to hear it from me -- which makes his question asking just nasty. i mean who makes people squirm like that?

other than that today was uneventful. however i am drinking my 1st cosmo at the moment so things may improve quickly.

Friday, July 17, 2009

5 hours and no chair

for those of you unfamiliar with the search for the perfect beach chair it started 5 hours ago and i never found it. what in gods name is wrong? and i don’t know if its the store i think is at fault for not carrying such an item at the height of the season OR me for being such a picky bitch. why was this so important to me? why would i search high and low for such a ridiculous item? i think the feeling that i’m not truly accomplishing anything each day leads me to approach these silly tasks i set out to do with UBER importance and fervor; its like im semi crazed. i said semi.

now, what was planning on doing in this chair? this very important-must have right now chair. anyone know? besides spy on my neighbors? drink, thats a definite. read, i love reading outside for some reason. get that medium tan, sunkissed look because i honestly believe it makes me look thinner. sick i know. facebook, that’s another given. and lets just mention drink again people. never did it cross my mind to actually job search while in the chair and enjoying the summer weather. i wanted to say SEE ME COMPANY WHO LET ME GO, I HAVE A TAN AND I SIT IN THE SUN WITH NO WORRIES IN THE WORLD. i think its a little FUCK YOU to them. what in gods name is wrong with me?

funny thing is I’ve actually done this before. something very similar. while in a horrible dead end job i hated years ago i was given the warning IF YOU ARE LATE ONE MORE TIME YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO 2 DAYS UNPAID, A PENALTY FOR BEING SO CARELESS AND IRRESPONSIBLE. so when i showed up late weeks and weeks later i thought maybe he forgot. he didn’t. he called me into his office and said i would have FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNPAID. DO NOT COME TO WORK. I thought to myself did he just give me a long weekend? how is this a penalty? i went for a spray tan both days so i could return to work monday with a fuck you smile and make him (hopefully) sick to his stomach. SEE, I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID RULES. I AM SO CAREFREE I WAS BASKING IN THE SUN & YOU THOUGHT IT WAS PUNISHMENT.

there really is something seriously wrong with me. i was 29 then im 33 now. we cant blame this on youth.

Not even noon

as i mentioned my day was going to consist of organic milk and public libraries, so i thought. i get a call from a crazy friend of mine COME PICK ME UP he says IM STRANDED IN NEWBURGH. now the city of NEWBURGH has a very bad reputation, areas off broadway, areas that look more like a war zone than anything that i have ever seen before. I'll put it this way -- these areas that make sanbourne street in wilkes-barre or that block of south franklin between wood and academy with all the boarded up buildings look like quaint mediterranean villas. and i know this friend well enough that i dont even have to ask. i was on my way to the library, to pick up my mail from the sweet little cornwall post office & certainly not prepared to drive into the hood with my PA plates in my plaid pajama pants.

if you didn't know this already i should mention it now so you are perfectly clear-- i'm a total sucker. i agreed. I didn't think fast enough to come up with a plausible reason why i couldn't pick him up.

he doesn’t know where he is only that its off broadway and NOT THE GREATEST AREA. then i hear a woman’s voice. i know his cohorts are never scholars or beauties but this one made my day.

i drive down broadway only to see my friend, denim button-down fully unbuttoned, hair beyond disheveled and the female – oh, there are no words, a real doozie. she looked old, worn, exhausted in a full bright turquoise ensemble, many gold chains and as they got into the car i realized both glossy eyed and reeking of booze & cigarettes. I didn’t ask the circumstances of what brought them there because frankly i did not want to know nor did i care to be an accessory in whatever foiled plot got these two brainiacs to newburgh without a way home.

i dropped them off at his apartment in silence. of course we needed to stop quickly at the convenience store for a 6 pack of budweiser first but this is to be expected. if this is what my summer is going to involve . . . driving drug addicts to and from their dealers . . . please kill me now.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

End of Day One

my hangover, however mild it might have been, prevented me from doing just about anything today. i watched flashdance and inside the actors studio with dave chappelle. other than that, i ate tostidos and salsa. i did however realize my atm card is missing. i located the receipt from last night for the $12 of chimay i drank but no card. now i need to either wait for the new card in the mail OR go to ny dmv which i have been avoiding for 3 years now and just get a freakin ny drivers license. oh the responsibility. think of how its going to interfere with everything else i want to do tomorrow; trip to the library, buy new outdoor lounging chair of some kind for outdoor reading, blogging & sun worship, trip to food co-op for organic milk, finish reading The Wheelman by duane swierczynki.

also got my first assignment -- ill be spying on my neighbors. this will be best accomplished after i have the lawn chair. cant wait. they clearly have jobs so i may need to schedule this "work assignment" over the weekend when i can watch them doing yard work and filling up their 12 bird feeders. too bad i dont live on the other side of the building -- ive never seen those neighbors and ive lived here 3 years. stalking them would be hilarious. not a shrub, no lights, no car, ONCE i saw the door open i ran like a scared little girl in pig tails.

Day One

i got laid off, let go, fired.  whatever you want to call it.  however, when life hands you sour grapes, make wine my friends.  

in an effort to let my sick friends in on the day to day activities of a person collecting unemployment, looking for a job, & going out at night like a wild woman --  i agreed to this blog. his other idea was a helmet cam.  we could have made millions he claims.

ill fill you in on what ive done so far with my week of unemployment.  filed for unemployment compensation, updated my resume, cleaned my bathroom, drank to excess about 3 nights, played with my cats CM & SH, made a flyer to start dog walking for some CA$H and well, sadly, I think thats about it.  there has been a good deal of, movie watching, napping and facebooking.  serious amounts of cigarette smoking unfortunately but im bored a little.  any ideas?  ill try it and write all about it just for you sick bastards.